Monday 08/28/2023 by phishnet


The 2024 Phish Studies Conference, which will be hosted at Oregon State University on May 17-19, is soliciting proposals for academic presentations, art exhibits, and musical performances. Scholarly presentations may come from any academic discipline and methodological approach and can fall into three categories: individual 20-minute presentations, 90-minute panel, roundtable, or workshop proposals (three presenters minimum), or 10-minute student scholar papers.

The conference also seeks proposals for artwork to be featured in conference venue hallways and meeting rooms. Additionally, the organizers invite proposals from musicians and bands to play during nightly social events. Performers and bands do not necessarily have to play the music of Phish but should have some relevance and connection to the band or their music.

Proposals for all categories are due no later than December 15, 2023. For more information, see the Call for Proposals on the conference webpage.

© 2023 Ryan Kerrigan
© 2023 Ryan Kerrigan


Sunday 08/27/2023 by phishnet


[We'd like to thank Jennifer Moore (Twitter: @rowjenny) for recapping last night's show. -Ed.]

Everyone knows what happened last night, so part of me feels like this entire review should just be WOWZA!!!!! Nothing I can write here can encapsulate the musical magic of this very special Saturday evening in Saratoga.

Last night, Phish played their second performance of the weekend at Saratoga Performing Arts Center. Both shows were benefit shows to raise money to help people in Vermont and Upstate New York who were affected by catastrophic flooding in July. Phish and their charity organization, the Waterwheel Foundation, put these special shows together in a matter of weeks, complete with two acoustic preshow performances by Page and Trey.

We were fortunate to score pit tickets for the Saturday SPAC show. The SPAC pit is small (capacity 150), and in the dozens of times I have been to a concert at SPAC, I have only been in the pit a few times before. We entered the early entry lottery and scored numbers 3 and 4!!!!!!!

Photo by Jenn Moore
Photo by Jenn Moore


Sunday 08/27/2023 by phishnet


[We'd like to thank Jennifer Moore (Twitter: @rowjenny) for recapping Trey Anastasio's and Page McConnell's one set performance prior to Phish's show last night. This intimate acoustic performance was for a select number of fans; giving them access to the SPAC Foundation Lounge before and throughout the Phish show, and special Foundation poster and merch, in addition to other amenities. More information can be found at -ed.]

For the second night in a row, Trey and Page performed a special, intimate acoustic concert at Saratoga Performing Arts Center in the late afternoon on a tiny stage inside the SPAC grounds. These special acoustic preshows were one of the many ways Phish, and the Waterwheel Foundation, Phish’s charity organization, raised money to benefit victims of flooding in Vermont and Upstate New York. Vermont experienced catastrophic flooding in July, with many towns completely inundated with flood waters, including our state capital of Montpelier. I live in Burlington and while we were safe from the flooding, many of our friends’ businesses and homes were not. We have been under the delusion that Vermont was mostly safe from massive disruption from climate change. This summer’s flooding was a giant wakeup call, and everyone is incredibly appreciative of the effort that went into pulling off these fundraisers on such a tight timeline.

We attended both nights of the Foundation event. In case you didn’t read yesterday’s review, the Foundation preshow was held at the Charles R. Wood Stage, a little tiny stage at the back of the lawn near concessions. It is small and simple, with a beautiful all wood back wall. It looks like the kind of stage a kids’ summer theater would perform on. The stage had a few hundred chairs set up in front of it, but also a little very low platform directly in front.

Photo by Jenn Moore
Photo by Jenn Moore


Saturday 08/26/2023 by phishnet


[We'd like to thank Jennifer Moore (Twitter: @rowjenny) for recapping Trey Anastasio's and Page McConnell's one set performance prior to Phish's show last night. This intimate acoustic performance was for a select number of fans; giving them access to the SPAC Foundation Lounge before and throughout the Phish show, and special Foundation poster and merch, in addition to other amenities. More information can be found at -ed.]

On the terrible day in July that Vermont started experiencing catastrophic flooding, I made a joke online “Phish play another flood benefit show in Vermont (too soon?)” As it turns out, it wasn’t too soon. Phish started planning two benefit shows at SPAC almost immediately when the flooding started. The last time Phish played a flood benefit for Vermont (SIGH) it was held at the fairgrounds in Essex, Vermont, capacity 11K. This time, Phish chose SPAC for two nights, capacity 25K.

SPAC is an amazing choice for Vermonters for these shows – it is the closest amphitheater to the state, and for many of us, we consider this our home venue. I grew up in upstate NY and cut my Phish teeth here, too. There have been 21 standalone Phish shows at SPAC and I’ve been to all of them. As someone who adopted Vermont as her home state for twenty plus years, it means a lot that this band and the entire organization put together these shows in such a short period of time. Huge thanks to everyone who made these shows and this special event happen.

© 2023 Jennifer Moore
© 2023 Jennifer Moore


Saturday 08/26/2023 by phishnet


[We would like to thank user Mgolia6 (Matthew Golia) for recapping last night's show. -Ed.]

While I am grateful for the opportunity to recap this show, I would have preferred that Phish not have to perform a benefit concert and that upstate New York and Vermont had not been ravished with storms and flooding. That being said, hats off to Phish, the band and organization, Waterwheel (and by proxy The Mockingbird Foundation and all of the .net volunteers) for their tireless efforts to support their community and the communities on every tour stop. Please, where possible, donate to help uplift and empower others.

235 years ago, in the Spring of 1788, a young Gideon Putnam was driven from his home in Bemis Heights New York by torrential flooding. He was rescued from the floods by his neighbor, Zophar Scidmore, and his sailboat, yes, a sailboat, in the middle of upstate New York. When the flood waters finally receded, the 25-year-old Putnam left Bemis Heights, following an old Native American trail to Saratoga Springs...and the rest, as “THEY” say, is (p)history!

Now, if not for that catastrophic flood, Gideon Putnam may have never come left his Bemis Heights home, taken risks to build hotels, tube the mineral springs, and create the hamlet of a town that is Saratoga Springs. And if it weren’t for the recent floods, Phish would not be in town and I would not be here click clacking away at the ole word processor, sipping on LEMONADE to recap the deluge of sonic brilliance that rained down upon SPAC last night.

© 2023 PHISH Jake Silco
© 2023 PHISH Jake Silco


Friday 08/18/2023 by phishnet


[This post is courtesy of user Mgolia6 (Matthew Golia), who will be recapping the Friday SPAC show in a week for this blog. -Ed.]

A Quick Level Set

We all have a different relationship with Phish. Each is personal, subjective, and influenced by a multitude of factors. Some fans are pure music lovers. Some love drugs (there is a veritable Silk Road pop up shop on every tour stop). Some come solo. Others roll deep with a lively crew. Some drag people while others get dragged. The draggers oft times were once draggees. For some it’s their first show. For some it’s their first show sober. For some it’s their hundredth. For some it’s their 46th and this is significant because they believe that at that show they will not only get a “46 days” but a chartable one to top 8/3/2003.

Some are lopes (that’s short for antelopes- term of endearment) that herd near the merch tent with their modified reinforced yoga mat holsters; waiting for the tour posters to go on sale so they can ask the clerk for the 46th numbered copy (same kid from above…lol). I once thought that these holster slingers were hardcore yogis who took mat protection to the next level and had a planned communal yoga sesh at setbreak. Turns out I was wrong.

© 2019 PHISH (Jake Silco)
© 2019 PHISH (Jake Silco)


Sunday 08/13/2023 by Lemuria


I've been remiss to post results of the 7th Annual Runaway Open from 2022, but since the 8th Annual is less than 3 weeks away - Sat. Sept 2nd at Willis Case in Denver - it seems well past time...

Last year, we had 120 plays (plus 18 additional donors, and a great slate of sponsors!) and gorgeous weather. Foursomes names have changed each year - sponsors, Phish characters, songs, etc. - and were named for venues in 2022. The top foursome was Gallagher's (Gronli, Stoleson, McCumsey, and Hunt); 2nd place was Red Rocks (Zabka, Zabka, Stone-Zabka, and Ratiff); and 3rd was Saratoga (Patrick Donnely's foursome; sorry we were never sent the other 3 names). The top golfer was David Hunt, and two of Donnely's foursome tied for 2nd place.

Player photos from the event last year are below the fold...


Sunday 08/13/2023 by phishnet


When was the last time you listened to 8/13/93? If you've never heard it, check it out (it's on Relisten too). You'll hear why it's one of the most widely traded shows on cassette in Phish history and, frankly, you don't need to read any of the reviews on this website about it to hear Why That Is True, either. Both fans and the band agree: It was a SPECTACULAR show. Trey did cartwheels backstage post-show. Check out the LivePhish sbd if you haven't already.

For some discussion about it, check out this Osiris Undermine podcast with Brian Feller, who was there, and user @Icculus, who wasn't.

© 2007 PHISH
© 2007 PHISH


Sunday 08/06/2023 by phishnet


[We would like to thank user Suzy Barros (@SuzyDrano) for recapping last night's show. -Ed.]

Well! What a couple nights that was, I’m glad I wasn’t tasked with recapping Friday night because I would have overfluffed (or fluffed just the right amount depending on who you ask, Best "Fluffhead" ever amirite???). Anyhoo, Friday was perfection for me, as was the only other show I’ve seen this summer (3rd night Alpharetta) and though I’ve only listened to the highlights of the other shows, it’s enough to know something special has been happening in their playing, even besting the already excellent playing they did during the spring tour.

"Loving Cup"!!! Summer terr debut and the last time it opened a show unless I’m mistaken is all the way back in the cursed year of our lord 2004. I assume the reason being primarily because of its normal usage as a raging encore but there is really no good reason to not set the stage for the evening with a rager as end it with one, now is there??? Plus, when I turned around to give my dear old friend Marnie who joined me for these two shows a huge hug she was having a meltdown, I hadn’t realized it was her favorite song so that made it even better.

Photo by RJ Bee
Photo by RJ Bee


Saturday 08/05/2023 by phishnet


[We would like to thank user Jeremy Willinger (@Jeremy8698) for recapping last night's show. -Ed.]

On the penultimate night of what has been a standout run both in terms of playing and permanence, Phish continued to exhibit why they are the best band on the fucking planet.

Before jumping into this review, let us take a trip back to Tuesday: a perfect show that demonstrated how the band can find a pocket and capitalize in the space to create a defining performance. That momentum from the standout show of the year—yeah I’m saying it—was a wave on which band and phans rode together, past Wednesday and into last night’s ripper at YEMSG.

© 2023 PHISH (Cherie Hansson)
© 2023 PHISH (Cherie Hansson)


Thursday 08/03/2023 by phishnet


[Recap of Wednesday night's MSG show courtesy of Ian Zigel, user @Ripenesswasall, on IG at @memehendge. -Ed.]

“Character Zero” ends, I blink, and “Possum” fires up… or at least it feels like we’re picking up right where we’d left off after the pure Phish magic that was Tuesday’s show. My seat neighbor for these two nights, Trey (yes, really, that was his name), astutely points out that Tuesday/Wednesday crowds at The Garden are made up of the most devoted (albeit insane) Phish fans, and the music played for these shows can generally be summed up as “Phish for Phish fans.” Tuesday night saw the band go deep on a handful of favorites with Zen focus for Jerry Garcia’s birthday, arguably delivering the finest show yet of 2023; tonight is a perfect foil to Tuesday, with no shortage of jamming between songs, deeper cut song selections, antics, and an extremely fun and Phishy overall vibe.

The crowd is noticeably comfortable and in no rush to get to their seats with 5 minutes left to spare before the band takes the stage, but everyone locks in immediately with the unmistakable “Possum” intro. Tonight is my 48th Phish show and my first “Possum” opener. “Guyute” takes the number 2 spot, evocative of the encore on 12/29/22, which served this same pairing in reverse order. However, “Guyute” sounds much tighter and more rehearsed tonight.

© 2023 PHISH (Rene Huemer)
© 2023 PHISH (Rene Huemer)


Wednesday 08/02/2023 by phishnet


[Recap of Tuesday night's MSG show courtesy of user @SterlingPiper83. -Ed.]

For me, Phish at Madison Square is where it's at. There is no other place You can possibly do so much so easily, while also seeing Phish. But the venue itself, notwithstanding the seemingly never ending construction, is just incredible.

One of the things that makes YEMSG so incredibly special to me is that when the band is locked in and we get to grooving just right the floor begins to pitch and sway beneath your feet. For those of You that haven't been, it is not unlike the sensation one feels when standing on a surfboard or boat in calm waters.

© 2023 PHISH (Rene Huemer)
© 2023 PHISH (Rene Huemer)


Monday 07/31/2023 by phishnet


[We would like to thank Matt, @scissortail, for recapping last night's show. -Ed.]

With three of seven in the books for Phish’s summertime jaunt in Madison Square Garden, we have what I call “good Phish problems.” When the band walks on stage the first night of a seven night run and delivers a masterpiece—when they capture the mysterious and elusive “flow” so completely—it’s impossible not to compare each successive show against the king.

A misplaced ballad. A standard, no-frills run-through of a song that has the potential to go deep. Extremely weird lyrics about guns.

These do not ruin a Phish show. Not even close. They simply prevent the show from reaching the heights of near perfection. And because we witnessed that kind of show on Friday, these little missteps can be unfairly magnified in the harsh light of comparison. But if your only problem at a Phish show is that the raging rock extravaganza is momentarily interrupted by a perfectly fine (if energy-deflating) ditty—life is pretty good. These are good Phish problems.

© 2023 Scott Marks
© 2023 Scott Marks


Sunday 07/30/2023 by phishnet


[Recap courtesy of @dmg924, David Goldstein -Ed.]

The pre-show vibe amongst the Lawson’s Hopcelot consuming crowd at Madison Square Garden on July 29th, 2023 could be basically been summed up as such – “Well….how the hell are they going to top THAT?”

The ‘THAT’ in question being the prior night’s show. Based upon the frequently used expletives in my text threads and myriad invocations of the carpenter for whom Easter is celebrated; July 28, 2023 was one of THOSE shows. It was a top to bottom masterpiece in which the improvisation was so effortless and the peaks so memorable that it leaves the more conspiratorial minded fan to wonder exactly why Phish doesn’t play like this all the time? Do they actually have something against the good people of Wilmington, North Carolina? Phish’s ability to turn IT on and off will forever be a mystery worthy of stoned dorm room debate. But that’s why you go to more than one, and there’s no right way to Phish; some fans would prefer to see a 12 to 13 song first set rife with six-minute sing-alongs versus a 22 minute maelstrom of sound only five minutes into the show. I won’t judge. Besides which, if Phish played like 7/28 every night, both they and the audience would simply collapse; Big Red’s mighty fingers worn down to calloused nubs of flesh. So what would they possibly do for an encore on this, only the second night of a seven night Madison Square Garden run?

© PHISH 2023 (Rene Huemer)
© PHISH 2023 (Rene Huemer)


Saturday 07/29/2023 by Icculus


[So I effed up and the person who I thought was recapping last night's show uh it turns out had told me three weeks ago they couldn't do it, so now I'm punishing myself---and all of you---and posting a hastily composed recap in a format similar to (but much less thoughtful and considerate than) the one that earned me venom and spite from our beloved community many years ago. You're welcome. -Charlie]

Phish began their seven-show, half-baker's-dozen run last night with a smooth performance of the serene "Evening Song," followed by two spectacular improvisational gems in "A Wave of Hope" and "Cities," both of which are sure to make their respective jam charts. You read that right, we were only three deep into the FIRST SET and yet Phish had performed a 21+ minute "AWOH" and ~15 minute "Cities"! Simply stated, fun was had by N00B, VET and JADEDVET alike, and I offer three perfunctory, insensitive, and devastatingly ignorant "recaps" for each of these types of fan.

© 2023 PHISH (Rene Huemer)
© 2023 PHISH (Rene Huemer)


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